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奇爱最新Ielts/雅思代报考位名动态:8月1日下午最新Ielts/雅思官网没有释放考位,最新Ielts/雅思代报考位提醒考生抓紧时间报名,最新Ielts/雅思代报考位提示考生注意自己的考试时间 奇爱最新Ielts/雅思代报考位考生-共享心得: 经过总结剑桥最新Ielts/雅思系列丛书,发现有不少的挑选题存在着比照的考点,有的比照一望而知,而有的比照则比照模糊,在审题时若能及时发现标题中的比照考点,并做好预备,那么解题就没有那么困难了。 在这儿,咱们把最新Ielts/雅思里的比照分为三类:直接比照,即标题中包括有比照级和第一流的表达方式的标题;直接比照,即标题中并没有直接的比照级和第一流,可是有比如major,majority,main,mainly等可能会用比照来进行论述的词汇语汇高分的标题;隐含比照,即题干中未包括比照联系词,可是选项内包括比照的标题。那么,下面我就逐个进行总结! 第一类:直接比照 例1 剑7 Test 2 Q 34 A German study showed there was greater ‘mixed handedness’ in musicians who A started playing instruments in early youth B play a string instrument such as the violin C practice a great deal on their instrument 思路透析:题干中包括greater这个显着的比照级,而考生们需求留意的是,在实践的听力高分题目中,比照级的用词能够发作同义变换,可是这种比照联系的表达一定在听力高分题目文本中是存在的,所以要特别重视在听力高分题目内容中比照的表达方式,答案就在其间。这与填空题是共同的,在填空题中如若发现比照表达方式,那咱们能够把它当特别关键字来对待,耐性等候听力高分题目题库中的比照表达后即可得到答案。 实践做题:在实践做题中,当听到Germany study 时断定做题方位。 原文:keyboard players had high levels of mixed handedness, whereas string players like violinists strongly favored one hand. Also those who started younger were more mixed handed. 解题:从原文中咱们不难看出,小提琴演奏者的用手习惯比照倾向于某一侧。所以扫除B。紧接着呈现的整句话里呈现了两处比照级,more mixed handed 与greater mixed handedness 构成同义变换,younger 与选项A中的early youth 对应,所以准确答案为A。 例2 剑7 Test 1 Q 12 The company has most camping sites in A France B Italy C Switzerland 思路透析:题干中包括有most sites 这个第一流的表达方式,故做好预备去听比照联系同义变换即可得到答案。 实践做题:当听到300 sites 以及Italy 等信息后能够定位做题方位 原文:In Italy we now have some 64 sites that we either own, or have exclusive use of . France is where we have the majority of sites, and we currently have a project to expand into Switzerland. 解题:不难发现majority 和most 之间存在同义变换,故答案为A。 例3 剑2 Test 3 Q 31 The driest continent is A Australia B Africa C Antarctica 思路透析:题干中有driest 这个第一流,要高度留意比照联系的同义变换。 实践做题:听到Australia 后断定做题方位。 原文: As I have said, Australia is a dry continent, second only to Antarctica in its lack of rainfall. 解题:不难发现答案是C,但值得咱们留意的是,second only to 是一种特别的比照表达方式。 第二类:直接比照 例4 剑3 Test 1 Q 32 According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women is A pregnancy B osteoporosis C lack of exercise 思路透析:在审题中发现有main cause 这样的直接比照提示词,那此题很显然要列出几个造成女人背疼的缘由,可是要进行比照得出谁是主要缘由。 实践做题:听到women 就断定了做题方位。 原文:The majority of our patients at the clinic tend to be women. They are especially vulnerable because of pregnancy but also because of osteoprosis, which I personally believe to be the major cause of problems for women. 解题:在原文中咱们不难发现pregnancy 和 osteoprosis 是并排呈现的,可是后者紧跟着即是一个非限定性的定语从句,指出后者是major cause,也即是main cause的同义变换,故答案为B。 例5 剑2 Test 4 Q 32 The main research method was A interviews B questionnaires C observation 思路透析:审题时发现有main 这样一个比照联系提示词,做好听到比照联系的预备。 实践做题:能够用research来进行定位。 原文:For our research we depend mainly on talking to individuals, asking them questions rather than using written questionnaires. 解题:此题中depend mainly on 与标题中的main构成照应,从与自己说话,问他们问题中不难看出是在进行interview,故答案为A。但值得留意的是rather than 这种表明比照的构造,它表达的意思是“而不是”的意思,通常是拿来扫除某个选项的。 第三类:隐含比照 例6 剑3 Test 3 Q 37 Ostrich meat A has more protein than beef B Tastes nearly as good as beef C is very filling 思路透析:尽管题干较短,并且没有比照指示词,可是AB两个选项都存在着比照,故此题仍然以听比照联系为要点。 实践做题:原文:Ostrich meat is slightly higher in protein than beef, and much lower in fats and cholesterol. It tastes good too. A series of European taste tests found that 82% of people prefer ostrich to beef. 解题:本来答案A 很显着,几乎是原词重现。B过错的缘由是大大都大家觉得鸵鸟肉比牛肉好吃,并不是相同好吃。要留意在比照时常常加入slightly 这样的副词来润饰比照级。 例7 剑4 Test 4 Q 14 On Travelite holidays, people holidaying alone pay A the same as other clients B only a little more than other clients C extra only if they stay in a large room 思路透析:标题要求是说单独休假的人要付多少钱,从选项AB不难看出,此题要拿单独游览的人和其他人做比照了。 实践做题:原文:We also pride ourselves on our friendly service, particularly important for the increasing numbers of people who choose to holiday alone. Unlike almost all travel operators who happily charge large supplements for single room, we guarantee that no single client will pay more, even when only double rooms are available for them. 解题:unlike一句表明与其他游览组织进行比照,咱们确保不多收钱,留意这儿pay more 前面有否定词no,这样会加大反响和解题的难度,大都学员听到pay more就去挑选B了,这样很可惜。Even一句更是着重了无论哪些情况都不加钱,扫除C。准确答案为A 。 例8 剑6 Test 4 Q 34 Very few African lions have A a long mane B a coat with varied colours C a fold of skin on their stomach 思路透析:尽管题干与选项中都没有显着的比照联系,可是纵观上下标题即可发现,这篇文章要点讲的即是Asiatic lions 和 African lions 的比照。 实践做题:原文:The colour is more or less the same, but the appearance of the mane is different-that’s the hair around the lion’s face and neck. The Asiatic lion’s mane is noticeably shorter than the African lion’s. Asiatic lions also have a long fold of skin on their undersides, whereas not many African lions have that. 解题:色彩more or less the same,故扫除B。African lion 的mane比Asiatic的长,扫除A。经过最终一句转折中的not many 与few 构成赞同变换得到答案C。此题难点在于比照的主体两种狮子的前后次序改变要留意,并且题干中自身带有few这样的否定词汇语汇高分,又增加了难度。 总结:本来咱们不难发现,在这三类中,第一类直接比照的标题仍是最简单解答的,只要听准相同的比照表达方式,答案很简单得到;第二类直接比照的标题也不是太难,关键在于把握major, majority, main, mainly等提示词并留意它们之间互相赞同变换即可;第三类隐含比照仍是比照难的,由于题干里尽管无比照,可是选项里有比照的特色,并且实践听力高分题目中又简单呈现否定词调配比照表达呈现的方式,使学生的反映时刻和速度遭到极大的影响,大大下降了解题准确率。朗阁海外考试研究中心请广阔“烤鸭”们一定要耐性总结,拆穿挑选题中的比照考察特色,做到明明白白,有的放矢!

